Current opinions
A TICS article on the importance (and difficulties) of preregistration in science.
A very informative blog by Peter Bandettini regarding current controversies in the fMRI world.
Is decoding of orientation from early visual cortex purely due to "vignetting". Piece by Nikolaus Kriegeskorte.
Do we need to understand how AI works to use it? Check out this Science article.
Data Visualization & Presentation
Programming and Stats
Thanks to Mariam Aly for gathering some of these links
Overview of handy Matlab commands
Statistically comparing two correlations
Why copy-paste coding is a bad idea?
An amazing R markdown from Maureen Ritchey that generates a formatted exam from a .csv of questions!
A link to the online preview of the book Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke.
Mental Health
fMRI related
A New York Times article that provides tips when feeling burned down.
An article in Nature with personal stories of five researchers and their advice on maintaining good health in our 'hyper-competitive' academic world.
Neuroscience for everyone
Want to improve your memory? Try doing nothing for 15 minutes. NEW!
A NYT article on the wonders and ethics of making a bunch of brain cell chunks (organoids).
Why being under the weather creates 'brain fog'?
A NYT article on the effects of exercise on memory.
Watch your gut! Effects of your gut germs on your brain!
Academic Life
Thanks to everyone who shares useful information online
Dr. Meltem Yücel, Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, has put together a comprehensive list of positions from a wide range of levels such as paid internships, and post-BA jobs. Furthermore, this website also contains resources that are useful when applying to graduate school like virtual graduate school information sessions.
Given the numbers of faculty positions vs. PhD positions, one thing is clear. Most PhDs will need to leave academia to find a job. Here is a brilliant A LinkedIn piece by Marlieke van Kesteren called A scientist’s path to a non-academic job: Tips and tricks.
"What can we learn from Dartmouth?". In this article, Leah H. Somerville, a Dartmouth graduate herself, lists some recommendations that can prevent a toxic environment in the academic workplaces.
Dorsa Amir, an anthropology grad student at Yale University has made a list of useful advice she was provided during her grad study years. I think they can be useful at later stages of academic (and non-academic) career as well.
A piece in Science that proposes some suggestions to reduce the number of post-docs who are on limbo in regards to being able to find faculty positions. One suggestion, which I personally don't agree, is to limit post-doc duration to three years unless the post-doc can acquire external funding.
Science in Practice
Applying basic science to real life